Sodium Chloride


Sodium Chloride, widely known as common salt, is essential for various biological functions and industrial processes. It occurs naturally in seawater and as mineral halite.

Also Known As

This ubiquitous compound is recognized by a simple, everyday name:

  • Salt

This term reflects its common usage and familiarity in daily life.


Sodium Chloride is integral to numerous applications, spanning culinary, biological, and industrial domains. Its uses include:

  • Serving as a critical electrolyte in the extracellular fluid of multicellular organisms, maintaining cellular balance.
  • Utilized extensively as a condiment and food preservative in its edible form, table salt.
  • Employed in large quantities for industrial processes, being a primary source of sodium and chlorine compounds for chemical syntheses.


Sodium Chloride, or table salt, is fundamental to life and myriad human activities. Its role extends from maintaining the salinity of extracellular fluid in organisms to widespread use as a food additive and in industrial applications.

Key points include:

  • Essential for biological functions, particularly in regulating extracellular fluid salinity.
  • Commonly used as a food condiment and preservative, enhancing flavor and shelf life.
  • Vital for numerous industrial processes, providing sodium and chlorine for chemical production.

Common Dosage

For dietary intake, the common recommendation is to consume less than 2300 mg of Sodium Chloride per day. This guideline aims to balance dietary needs with the risk of excessive intake, which can lead to health complications.


Sodium Chloride, or salt, is a staple in both biological systems and human civilization. Its versatility as a nutrient, seasoning, preservative, and industrial raw material underscores its unparalleled importance.

Key summary points include:

  • Plays a critical role in biological and culinary applications.
  • Integral to the flavor profile of foods and as a preservative.
  • Recommended daily intake should not exceed 2300 mg to ensure health and well-being.

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