Safed Musli 50%(Chlorophytum Bor.)


Safed Musli is derived from the roots of the Chlorophytum borivilianum herb, a valuable plant traditionally sourced from India known for its medicinal properties.

Also Known As

This herb is recognized by several names, reflecting its cultural significance and botanical classification:

  • Chlorophytum borivilianum
  • Musli
  • Safed Moosli
  • Dholi Musli

These names highlight the herb’s traditional uses and its importance in herbal medicine.


Safed Musli holds a revered place in traditional medicine for its wide array of health benefits, including:

  • Treatment for arthritis, cancer, and diabetes.
  • Enhancing vitality and sexual performance.
  • Increasing testosterone levels and sexual activity.

Its versatility in addressing both general health and specific conditions has made it a sought-after herb in various therapeutic contexts.


Safed Musli, originating from India, is celebrated for its traditional medicinal uses. It is especially noted for its application in improving sexual health, vitality, and managing chronic conditions such as diabetes and arthritis.

Key points include:

  • Traditionally used for a broad spectrum of medicinal purposes.
  • Known for its benefits in enhancing vitality and sexual health.
  • Utilized in traditional medicine for treating conditions like diabetes and arthritis.

Common Dosage

Currently, there is insufficient scientific information to establish a standard dosage range for Safed Musli. Dosage may vary based on individual needs, the specific health condition being addressed, and the form in which it is consumed.


Safed Musli, derived from the roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum, is a valuable herb in traditional medicine, particularly noted for its applications in improving sexual health and treating chronic conditions. Its use across various health-related areas underscores its significance in herbal medicine.

Key summary points include:

  • Offers a wide range of health benefits, from improving vitality to treating chronic illnesses.
  • Highly regarded in traditional medicine for its positive effects on sexual health.
  • Lack of established dosage guidelines indicates the need for personalized consultation.

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