Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate


Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate is a compound created by combining the ketone body Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) with magnesium salts. This process yields an exogenous ketone salt known for its ability to supplement ketone levels in the body.

Also Known As

Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate is recognized by several names, including:

  • Magnesium;2-hydroxybutanoic acid
  • Ketone Salt


Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate is commonly used in dietary supplements, particularly those targeting individuals following a ketogenic diet. Its primary role is to increase blood ketone levels, simulating the metabolic state of ketosis without the need to adhere strictly to a ketogenic diet.


Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate serves as an exogenous source of ketones, which are substances produced by the body during fat metabolism. Supplementing with this compound can help achieve ketosis, a state where the body primarily uses fat for energy. This is particularly beneficial for individuals on a ketogenic diet aiming for weight loss, improved mental clarity, and enhanced physical performance.

Key points include:

  • Supports the induction of ketosis
  • May aid in weight loss and enhance physical performance
  • Can provide mental clarity by fueling the brain with ketones

Common Dosage

The typical dosage range for Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate is between 1.8 grams to 3 grams daily, depending on individual needs and specific product recommendations.


Magnesium Beta-hydroxybutyrate is a beneficial supplement for those looking to increase their ketone levels, potentially aiding in weight loss, improving mental and physical performance, and achieving ketosis without the strict dietary restrictions of a ketogenic diet.

Key takeaways:

  • Ideal for ketogenic diet followers or those seeking to enter ketosis
  • Dosage ranges from 1.8 to 3 grams daily
  • Supports weight loss, mental clarity, and physical performance

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