Horse Chestnut 10:1


Horse Chestnut is derived from the fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree (Aesculus hippocastanum).

Also Known As

Horse Chestnut is also known as:

  • Conker tree
  • Aesculus hippocastanum


Horse Chestnut is commonly used for:

  • Treating varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and swollen veins
  • Addressing conditions such as eczema, menstrual pain, soft tissue swelling from bone fracture and sprains, cough, arthritis, and joint pain
  • Thinning the blood, reducing fluid leakage from veins and capillaries, and promoting fluid loss through urine to prevent water retention


Horse Chestnut, sourced from the fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree, is a versatile plant utilized for various medicinal purposes. Its seeds, bark, flowers, and leaves are employed in making medicine. Primarily, it is employed for treating varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and swollen veins. Additionally, Horse Chestnut finds applications in managing conditions like eczema, menstrual pain, soft tissue swelling from bone fracture and sprains, cough, arthritis, and joint pain. It contains a substance that acts as a blood thinner, reduces fluid leakage from veins and capillaries, and weakly promotes fluid loss through urine to prevent water retention.

Key points about Horse Chestnut:

  • Derived from the fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree
  • Used for treating varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and swollen veins
  • Contains compounds that thin blood and reduce fluid leakage, promoting fluid loss through urine

Common Dosage

The recommended dosage for Horse Chestnut is 300 mg taken twice daily in healthy individuals.


Horse Chestnut, sourced from the fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree, is valued for its diverse medicinal properties. It is commonly utilized for treating varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and swollen veins, among other conditions. With a recommended dosage of 300 mg taken twice daily, Horse Chestnut offers benefits such as blood thinning and reduction of fluid leakage, aiding in the prevention of water retention.

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