Aloe Ferox


Aloe Ferox, also known as Bitter Aloe, originates from the Aloe ferox plant indigenous to southern Africa. This plant thrives in the region’s diverse climates, contributing to its unique properties and applications.

Also Known As

Aloe Ferox is recognized by several names, reflecting its various properties and uses:

  • Bitter Aloe
  • Cape Aloe
  • Red Aloe
  • Tap Aloe


Aloe Ferox is primarily used in the health and wellness industry. Its potent sap, rich in anthraquinones, serves as an effective laxative, making it a key ingredient in purgative medications. Additionally, the plant yields a non-bitter gel, widely utilized in cosmetic formulations for its soothing and moisturizing properties.


Aloe Ferox is a robust, single-stemmed succulent evergreen that plays a significant role in both medicinal and cosmetic fields. Its bitter sap is esteemed for its laxative effects, while the non-bitter gel extracted from its leaves is sought after in the skincare industry. Key points include:

  • Contains anthraquinone, a compound with laxative properties.
  • Produces a soothing, non-bitter gel used in cosmetics.
  • Indigenous to southern Africa, benefiting from the region’s optimal growing conditions.

Common Dosage

There is currently no standard dosage established for Aloe Ferox. Its application largely depends on the form and purpose of use, necessitating consultation with healthcare professionals for optimal benefits.


Aloe Ferox stands out for its dual-purpose applications, serving both the health sector with its laxative properties and the cosmetic industry with its hydrating gel.

  • Versatile in use, from health supplements to skincare products.
  • Indigenous to southern Africa, showcasing the region’s botanical richness.
  • No standard dosage, underlining the need for professional guidance in its application.

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